
The F.E.F.A. project: "Football - Etudes - Familles - Anderlecht"

The originality of this project lies in its transversal, multidisciplinary and integrated approach, combining a public/private partnership within one of the most insecure neighbourhoods in Brussels where dropping out of school and academic failure represent major issues.

The project’s overall objective is the prevention of systematized juvenile delinquency by means of psycho-educational guidance as to their future. The general goal of the project is to make its target group socially aware by offering sport activities, psychosocial help and following up the youth’ school career.

The operational objectives are the following:

  • to diminish the participants' academic failure rates by supervising the grades obtained
  • to diminish the risks connected with these youngsters’ societal vulnerability (dropping out of school; being excluded from school; belonging to a gang of youngsters; consuming narcotics, ect.) by the involvement of the youngster in a sports discipline
  • to learn how to respect the rules collectively, how to show respect for one's partners and opponents, for authority (the game's referee or the coach), as well as for the equipment put at one’s disposal
  • to have psycho-educational guidance through the experience of frustration



  • soccer guidance provided for 140 boys aged 6 to 19 (2 training sessions per week + a league championship game/week) established in partnership with the internationally renowned club RSC Anderlecht. The youths play under that club's official number just like the A-team’s players
  • the academic follow-up of these youngsters through the obligation to hand in their school reports
  • the participation in a Homework School project organized 3 times/week, open to youngsters, to their brothers and sisters and to all pupils (girls or boys) of the Leonardo da Vinci partner school
  • front-line psychosocial guidance for the youngsters and their families (follow-up on administrative problems, behavioural problems at school, learning difficulties, housing problems, job-hunting, etc.)


The project started in 2004 and is still running.
Last review: October 2015


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