Who we are
Our Chair

E-mail for EUCPN matters: PLPresidencyEUCPN@mswia.gov.pl
More information on the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union can be found here: https://polish-presidency.consilium.europa.eu/
The Polish Presidency of the EUCPN has chosen preventing trafficking in human beings (THB) as thematical focus for this semester. This unsettling phenomenon has already been subject of much of the Network’s research, however in the times of the increased migratory flows to Europe, it calls for even more efforts. It has to be noted that the current project implemented by the Network, and co-funded from public means managed by the European Commission, is centered on preventing organized crime, and THB is among particularly damaging crimes perpetrated by organized groups.
The success of THB prevention depends on, among other things, the awareness of the potential victims and of the society in general. Therefore, we are going to explore THB prevention from the angle of education of prevention practitioners, including those employed in relevant law enforcement agencies and institutions. Also, we wish to stress the importance of activities aimed at the improved protection of potential THB victims. Special attention will be paid to preventing crimes perpetrated to the detriment of migrants, including refugees fleeing Russia’s aggression of Ukraine.
Last but not least, in order to strengthen the result of these targeted measures, the awareness of general public should be raised. Therefore, we also wish to include, in our topic, the activities directed to the society as a whole.
Our staff
- Stijn Aertsresearch officer
- Sarah Bosmanresearch officer
- Katrijn Hoedemakerscommunication officer